As far as possible, Altaneos is able to exploit the vast world of software technologies to best implement the functionnalities of your innovative product, either it is a single-processor or a multiple-processor hardware architecture.
- Embedded software on various platforms:
- Small microcontrollers 8, 16 and 32 bits for portable applications, connected objects (ARM Cortex-M3, PIC, MSP430, ...).
- More powerfull CPUs for multimedia or telecom platforms (ARM-Cortex A8, PowerPC, ...).
- DSPs for high processing power applications (multimedia, real-time control, ...).
- Various operating systems:
- Embedded Linux for powerfull platforms.
- Real-Time OS for smaller specific applications (FreeRTOS, ...).
- Coding without an OS for small microcontrollers (Native programming)
- Programming languages and environments:
- Usually C, C++.
- HTML, PHP, Javascript, SQL, AJAX for Web-based user interfaces.
- Optimized assembly language for specific tasks (critical digital signal processing).
- Development environment running on Windows, Linux, MacOS, tailored to each project and each CPU.
- Use of virtual machines for development environment and easy transfer to customer.
- Our strengths:
- Digital signal processing: design, integration, optimization of algorithms on microncontrollers and DSPs.
- OS Porting (Linux) and device drivers development.
- Embedded user interface: Embedded Web server, Qt, Java, ...
- Standard communication protocols integration on any platform: TCP/IP, SNMP, HTTP, USB, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Profibus, ...
- IEC 62304 compliant software development and documentation for medical devices.
- Design of proprietary communication protocols for specific applications (wired/wireless).
- Embedded software for accessories of Smartphones/Tablets (Android, iOS)